
How can we help you?

FUCHS SE in Mannheim

Number of charging points: 100 charging points
Portfolio: Full service incl. delivery of hardware and load management, installation, maintenance, service and billing
Location: Mannheim, new building in outdoor area


Installation of 100 charging points and three charging cabinets on the company premises of FUCHS SE in Mannheim in spring 2022. Implementation of civil engineering work for the cable route expansion and coordination with various trades during the new construction of the building. chargeBIG implements the billing service with the users in compliance with calibration law.

We give our employees the opportunity to charge their company car on our company premises. Our employees who are not entitled to a company car are also given the opportunity to charge at work as an additional incentive to switch to CO2-neutral mobility.


We advise you from initial contact to implementation and support you as a general contractor.

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